Literature conferences - Session 1

Alliance Francaise d'Adelaide
0 Places Remaining

Conference I: Napoléon and the Premier Empire: Rise and Fall

Napoléon is one of the most written about persons in history. From humble beginnings, he rose through the ranks of the French Army at breakneck speed, becoming a General of the French Revolution before becoming one of its leading figures under the Consulat and finally crowning (himself!) Emperor in 1804. It took a coalition of European forces to finally defeat his legendary armies in 1815. In less than two decades, Napoléon changed the face of France and Europe, for better or for worse. This is, to this day, a much debated and divisive topic. In this conference, we will present the man and the legend, but also the complex political system he progressively established in France and over much of Western Europe. We will delve into memorable battles – victories and defeats alike – and reflect on the ambitious Corsican leader and his legacy in contemporary France.

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